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a guide to personal programmer


Personal Programmer officially started in 2012 as a solution to the worldwide developer shortage. Numerous businesses couldn’t grow because they couldn’t find the right people. This was, and has still been today, problematic for company growth all around the world. We wanted to give those companies an alternative by hiring people from Macedonia and experiencing the talent and quality of people like you. We also wanted to bring more exciting IT jobs to Macedonia so more people could work in this profession and generate better salaries in the country. We are working everyday to match interesting clients to talented developers for long term working relationships.

first offices 2012 personal programmer

Hello there! You have become a member of Personal Programmer. Congratulations! You have shown some excellent spirit and mentality coming to this point. Otherwise you wouldn’t have passed through the interviewing process of course. Well done on your first achievement at the company and welcome to the family.

Your first day

How exciting! It is your first day of many to come (we hope!) and we are proud to have you with us. Maybe you know some people already in the office, maybe you don’t. It really doesn’t matter because you will soon. We are all nice people and don’t bite. Take your time, settle in, grab some coffee, shake some hands and make some friends.

Facts that matter

Personal Programmer is a self-funded company. We have never taken any outside financing so we can make up all the rules ourselves that gives us the freedom we want and need. So if we say your voice counts in helping Personal Programmer to be a great employer, then you better believe us.

You are the core of the company and to what the company revolves around. This is why we want you to help and shape the company the best you can. This means helping us build a place where you want to work, contribute to the growth of the company and make your voice heard. You are important to us, you are Personal Programmer.

Our vision

Our vision is to become the IT company developers imagine as their perfect working environment. A place where they would want to stay, grow, develop their career and everyone works with this same goal in mind whilst we make more exciting IT jobs available to the country and to the rising number of people seeking their profession in IT.


In order to create the best working environment we need a set of rules and principles which everyone within the company respects. We live by them and embrace them the best we can.

  • Behave, cooperate and take care of each other, the same way you want to be treated;
  • Try to be helpful and kind when someone needs advice, help, an opinion or suggestion regarding his/her working tasks and obligations;
  • Make new colleagues feel welcomed in the company;
  • Together we take care of our office environment, equipment, and do our best to keep it clean;
  • Everyone is responsible for their own used glasses/dishes and puts the used ones in the dishwasher;
  • We refill the coffee machine with water from the water dispenser;
  • We always put the office’s chairs and tables, that have been taken outside on the balcony, back inside to their place;
  • We close the doors/windows behind us and we save everyday resources;
  • We take care of our personal belongings and equipment, keep the desks clean and organized;
  • If someone needs to be in the office before or after working hours, it is preferable to announce to HR in advance;
  • Guests are welcome, but with a previous announcement of their presence to HR;
  • And most importantly when we are unhappy about something, or we see something ready for change, we speak up and share.

Work hours

Full working time is up to 40 hours per week. One work week lasts five working days. Consequently, full working time is 8 hours per day. This means usually from 09:00 till 17:00 o’clock, but that is flexible (the office is open from 09:00 – 20:00) if discussed and previously agreed with the client. Lunch break of 30 minutes included.

Sick leave

There can always be a time when you are not feeling well enough to come to work. Please inform HR and your client and take care of yourself. Being sick sucks, but being sick at work sucks even more.

Flexible / hybrid work

We believe that people working in Personal Programmer should have the flexibility of working from home but also want people to be involved in the company and have them in the office as often as possible.


You will have a total amount of 21 holiday-days each year. Always discuss with the client when to use the days and send a request for approval in the absence software “Berry”.

Termination of contract

We are always looking to help you expand your knowledge and fulfill your development dreams, but you might decide to do so somewhere else. We’ll try not to take it too personal. When you terminate your contract with us we are obliged to fulfill a two months termination with the client and with you. But it is always a subject to discuss with Personal Programmer’s HR. Remember that whenever you have once worked for us there will always be a place for you in the future.

Company properties

When you’ve had your last day please return all Personal Programmer’s belongings to HR. Make sure you restore the laptop to factory settings and remove all project’s and private data, while keeping the operating system, so the laptop can be used by someone else.


We want you to be able to earn a great salary throughout your career and improve on it. You already discussed salary with the client to the amount that you are receiving right now. Whenever you feel there needs to be a raise then please let Personal Programmer’s HR know. We will, along with you, discuss this with the client and see if they agree on your point of view. We want people to be rewarded for their hard work and dedication. Salary raises are most common on a yearly basis.


Our financial model makes sure you can discuss salary with the client freely but also if you earn a financial bonus for your work, the full amount will be paid to you. Transparency is key to our motto and success.

Team building

It is important for every developer to feel like they belong to a team because we do see Personal Programmer as a team altogether. To strengthen the bond between everyone we do team building events at least once per month in a form of event and once or twice per year in a form of a trip. Be present and enjoy a memorable time with the colleagues.


Create opportunities at your client

Your client is not just a client for a project but a company where you can build your career. There are opportunities for you to progress in what you do and improve everyday to make yourself a better developer. Be proactive and engage in their business. Tell them about what interests you, your ideas for their software, what you are learning or about interesting conferences. They would appreciate your input.

We are on your side

We advise both the developers and the clients to make sure the cooperation goes great. If there’s any problem that needs solving with communication, salary or your work please always let us know so we can take our part in the discussion.

We are growing

We are a company that’s always growing. New developers join us every month. We always seek to expand the family we’re building and we need your help because talented people know talented people.

Referral Program

You are part of our growth. Not just by joining our company but also by spreading the word to your fellow developers about us. Our developers have always been very helpful in bringing in new talent to the company and we would like to reward them for it. Because of that, we created the Referral Program.

How it works

Grab blue referral vouchers (get them from HR) and go head hunting yourself! HR would give you all the details on the plan.

Loyalty plan

In Personal Programmer we have a loyalty plan which rewards our employees the longer they stay within the company. For each year you stay with us you will get a newly achieved rank. We’ve got company ranks and presents for employees from Adventurous on your first day towards Visionary-Honored-Fabled-Mythic-Legendary, until Godlike, when you are 10 years in the company.

Social Media

Social Media is a great way to spread a good word about Personal Programmer and your experience there. Please feel free to do so whenever you please although try and think before posting if you relate it to Personal Programmer! Transparency is what we like but information also needs to be correct.

The people in Personal Programmer

We are a close bunch of people that aim for happiness in the work we do. From the co-founders in The Netherlands to every single person in the company in Macedonia. We are driven, ambitious and a little crazy. A lotta little crazy.

Good luck, stay awesome and again,
welcome to Personal Programmer.