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Crvena Voda 6, 1000 Skopje
Who does what?

What is our role in this?

The graph above shows that we connect programmers to clients and advise both parties. You choose your own client (and they choose you). We advise client and programmer about employee related stuff like salary (and salary raises), but also we are there to make sure communication is going well. We are always there when you need a helping hand. We make sure your working space is as optimal as can be. With a working station, good internet, great coffee (or tea) and most importantly a great atmosphere in the office you work in every day.


What is your role?

To do what you love, programming. Working for a client you selected, making a career at their company (from our office), improving your skills, getting more experience and going up in salary while doing so. It is all we ask of you. And let’s not forget, help us to become the number one employer in IT in Macedonia.